I have been collecting a lot of tech gadgets that I don’t really have a great use for nowadays, so I have been wondering what would be some use cases for these gadgets that I have got. So far these are my ideas:
- Use Nextcloud on a raspberry pi zero to use as a portable cloud.
- Use P4wnPi to turn my raspberry pi into a USB pentest tool.
- Use Internet-in-a-box to turn any old computer (Raspberry pi in my case) into a offline internet catalogue.
- Use Kiwix on desktop or smartphones to have access to all the internet knowledge base.
- Use a Raspberry pi 4b as a USB gadget to code remotely with my iPad using only a USB-C.
Raspberry pi zero w - USB Rubber Ducky
Raspberry pi zero 2w - Portable Cloud
I did not succeed in making the zero 2w a portable cloud but I instead got the raspberry pi 4b 4GB turned into a portable cloud.