Case Studies [old websites]

Case Studies [old websites]

Short description
A repository of all my all websites, that could serve as a case study and comparison to how much my digital presence has changed over time.
Role / Service
Web Design
Case study

First iteration of my website built in 2020

With this website I when I felt in love with building on the web and mostly around localization, design and animations.
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Second iteration of my website built in 2021

In 2021 I proceeded and forked this project and made it mine by adding actual SPA localization and a few different animations and details all around to make it feel and look totally mine. To this day I still love this website but my current one is just more functional to me and how I use the web.
Navigate the website from inside my website *WEBSITE INCEPTION*

Third and present iteration of my website built in 2022

My third iteration is the most functional and adaptable to me at the moment. Everything is done through that I use everyday so the amount of friction that I have to write a blog post or fix a typo or update anything that is not code related is close to 0 for me. That is the biggest benefit of this site even though localization is a pain as I would have to do everything as I had done on my first localization attempt :(
Navigate the website from inside my website *WEBSITE INCEPTION*